"Jesus said, 'Go and make disciples of all nations...' "
Matthew 28:19

Friday, June 8, 2012

SO sorry we haven't been able to keep up with the blog!
We arrived safely in Gulu on Tuesday and have been staying at the Bishop's compound in the new guest house! It is great! But we haven't had any power for a few days, so the computers died. That, on top of lots of other technical difficulties, made it pretty much impossible to blog. But now we're at Paraa Safari Lodge for the night, where we have wifi. This post is just some pictures, and hopefully some more will be up soon.

The kids at the Chain Foundation in Mukono sang us some welcome songs (and songs about education...its been stuck in all of our heads all week). These three kids are three of the visually impaired.

They loved to dance and performed a few dances for us.

Cute kid!

Praying for the staff at Chain Foundation.

Peter R. was the first to speak on discipleship! Just getting prayed up!

 Allison Barfoot paid us an encouraging visit before we left Kampala for Gulu.  Susan Morris (next to Cindy Pennington in the front) has been our liaison in Uganda.

All the clergy gathered at the Diocesan offices in Gulu for a discipleship training conference the men on our team helped lead. This is a group picture!

Karen headed up a women's conference (very last minute but it worked out well) that all of the ladies got to help out with.

Karen and Peter with some of the kids from Our Father's House Orphanage in Gulu.

Father Greg teaching at the discipleship conference.

Thanks for your patience and prayers! Please keep them coming! We hope to get you more updates soon, but for now, know that all is well and we are seeing the Lord do so much in these people and in this community. 

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